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  • Josh Regel

3 steps to help you “Sleep Like a Baby”

Updated: Nov 26, 2019

Step 1 – Sleep starts by taking Magnesium Glycinate 300 mg every night at bedtime.

Most likely you will need anywhere from 100mg to 600mg.  This nutrient is critical for muscle relaxation and calming the brain.

Other benefits of Magnesium

  • digestion

  • nervous system

  • blood pressure

  • insulin

  • sensitivity

  • bones, teeth

  • genes

  • your heart and other muscles (without enough of this mineral, they spasm and cramp).

In fact, magnesium is super-important for your heart.

And, of course, it helps you relax into sleep.

I often am asked “Why do we need to take Magnesium?” (The Following is credited to Dr. Carol Dean) At least 80 percent of us suffer from magnesium malnutrition because we:

  • eat processed foods

  • eat foods that are grown in nutrient-poor soil

  • consume too much tea, coffee, cola, sugar, and alcohol

  • don’t eat enough vegetables, nuts, seeds, fruit, and other whole foods

  • drink fluoridated water; use products and take drugs that contain fluoride

  • take calcium supplements without magnesium to balance them (should be a 1:1 ratio)

  • have too much stress or suffer from PTSD (extreme stress caused by traumatic experiences)

  • may be diabetic or taking diuretics

I take 300 mg of Magnesium Glycinate every night at bedtime.  To order Magnesium Glycinate now click here.

Step 2 – Start taking Melatonin 3 mg Slow Release. 

The usual starting dose is 3 mg.  We have a 3 mg slow release that can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

  • Melatonin is already in our body for the following purposes:

  • Melatonin’s main job in the body is to regulate sleep-wake cycles. 

  • When the sun goes down Melatonin increases and allows you body to prepare for sleep.  Melatonin is a hormone. 

  • Hormones are messenger chemicals that tell the cells of the body what to do. 

So if you want your body to work like it is designed to work, then why not replace Melatonin if it is low.  Your next question is probably “how can I know if I am low in Melatonin?”  I’m glad you asked.

As we age we do not make as much Melatonin.If you have mood changes you may be low in:

  • MelatoninIf you have sleep problems

  • Menopausal symptoms (ladies only)

  • Low thyroid symptoms (click here for more info on low thyroid symptoms)

Or you can just give me a call and we can test your Melatonin level.  If you would like to order a bottle of our Melatonin 3mg Slow Release click here.

I recently started taking Melatonin and WOW.   I have not felt more rested in a long time.

Step 3 – Call me to help you balance Cortisol

Balance your adrenal hormone cortisol.  It is so common to hear patients say that they wake up between 2 and 4 am and cannot go back to sleep for at least an hour.  This is often due to the effect of stress on your body.  Stress increases the production of Cortisol.  Cortisol’s basic function is to turn your protein into blood sugar.  This “hit” of sugar in the middle of the night can wake your body up.

We have been working with individuals to turn this middle-of-the-night cortisol issue off.  If you think you might have a Cortisol problem click here.

In summary:

  • Add Magnesium Glycinate 300 mg 

  • Add Melatonin 3 mg Slow release 

  • Contact me to resolve your cortisol issue.


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