Deciding to eat right and exercise is on everyone’s “To Do List”. I recently ran across these 7 principles in a book called The Original Prescription. I thought I would share what I think may help those of you like me that struggle with food choices.

Dietary patterns that promote health
Choose a healthy dietary pattern that takes up 80% of your food choices. That means that 80% of the time choose the right thing to eat.
Let your body tell you when to stop eating. Listen to your body.
Don’t skip meals. Start each day with a balanced breakfast.
Eat real Food! Limit prepared and packaged food.
Invest appropriately in your food selections; your life may depend on it.
Drink enough water and limit your liquid calories.
Prepare for cravings that can jeopardize you plans for success.
Many times I have attempted to diet and I have been successful at dropping a few pounds and then gained them right back. I know now why. One of my goals this year is to follow these principles. My intended outcome is to feel healthier.
My definition of feeling healthier:
Increase in energy level (Sun-up to sun-down)
Sleep better (feel rested every morning)
Feel stronger
See more of my feet when I look down (Reduce belly fat)
Handle stress better
What is your definition of feeling healthy? (post in comments below)